We Coach Leaders

We help you grow in confidence, overcome burnout, and reach new levels of success.

Greater Results

Say goodbye to the days when you didn’t get the RESULTS you wanted and say hello to clarity. Getting better results are what we help you to do.

Leader Confidence

When you break free from the agonizing discontent of being unsure of your decisions or direction, freedom and accelerated CONFIDENCE become a win for you and the team.

Improved Support

Your leadership road is filled with potholes and roadblocks. With our honest feedback, outside perspective, and a no-excuses approach, you will have the SUPPORT you need to be your best.

We Give You The Best ROI For Your Training Needs

Training without the follow-up from a coach is nearly worthless

You’ve done plenty of training over the years and you know that not much of it made a real difference.

Don’t you think it’s time for something better?

Stop supplying training  and simply hoping it’s going to work. Our team WILL provide coaching support that will affirm and support any type of training your team needs.

Don’t you want to:

  • Have Real Improvements
  • Practice Effectively
  • Get More Done
  • Be More Prepared
  • Be A Model for Others
  • Advance Your Team

* Project Based Learning

* Professional Learning Communities * Individual Talent Coaching * Team Talent Coaching *Leadership Coaching

Stop wasting your time and money with what doesn’t work!
It’s time to do it better.

Let’s Create a Plan

We partner with you and design a team development plan that will take you and your team to the next level.

Let’s Walk Together

We walk next to you every step of your journey so you can realize the full potential of what you’ve wanted to accomplish but have not at this point in time.

Let’s Set a Vision – Action Plans – and Expectations

We will help you design a future to do what you’ve wanted to do – but has been out of reach for far too long.


Great leaders first focus on what they want to create, (their vision), and then figure out the issues standing between their current reality and that vision.
Setting a vision for your future is an essential for any future successes.

A strong vision will help you or your organization to overcome the obstacles that hold you back. It’s the catalyst to keep going when times are tough. It helps you to focus and creates purpose that becomes an ongoing measurement for the results you seek. A well-crafted vision for the future establishes what “can be” while still confronting the brutal facts of today. A well-crafted vision empowers the work of individuals and groups.

Visioneering is not where you are today, but where you logically, honestly, and with focused effort, can be in the future. Therefore, how you build your vision reflects some things you’re doing now, and more importantly, what you see for yourself doing in a time to come. Great visions don’t happen without work, commitment, learning, sacrifice, and personal growth.

  • Your vision will always exceed your current competency otherwise it’s not a vision.

  • A vision is a dreamed idea of what could be that is encouraged by the conviction that it needs to be.

  • Any vision for the future requires a champion who has the courage to act toward something better.
  • Having goals without having a vision to direct them is like driving your car backwards.

  • The best motivator is a vision that is greater than the circumstances.

  • Your vision for the future is born in the tension between what is and what should be.

Talent-Based Leadership

If I had known my talents (strengths) when I was a school superintendent I would have done a much better job of identifying the talents in others, delegating certain responsibilities, and communicating my natural talents in order to achieve greater results for students and teachers. ~ R.A. Weigel
Your natural talents is God’s gift to you but what you do with them is your gift back to God.

Most people will try to “put you in a box” and give you a label in order to understand you. Far too many people want to keep you “just as you are” or keep you from becoming something more or better than what you are right now. But that is not how God designed you and as a qualified Strengths coach, I will help you find and understand your natural talents and how you can use deliberate practice to build them into strengths.

It is unfortunate, but most likely that there are only a few people in your life that truly want to help you reach the next level of your abilities and talents. But I do. Through our time together you will take major steps to become something more, reaching past your current learning plateau so you can use more of the talents that God gave you for a reason.

Dr Weigel has created a simple, yet thorough framework, that will take you through the scriptures, use examples of famous people, and navigate you through a set of questions that will lead you inward and upward. With thoughtful reflection and deliberate practice, you’ll gain clarity on why some tasks were so easy while others drained you. Over time, you’ll be able to live in the freedom and power of your true self while becoming aware of false narratives and wrong expectations. It is transformational!”

Dave Mead

President and CEO of WeAlign

What got you here – won’t get you there.

“Our wounds are often the openings into the best and most beautiful part of us.”

~ Marshall Goldsmith

Project Based Learning

The ProEdCoach team will work with your school to build the best PBL culture for student learning possible. We’ve built it, worked it, and experienced the results.

Working together, our work will position you for ongoing success, next-level growth, clear vision, and a greater impact.

Coaching & Consulting


  • Leadership & Executive Coaching
  • Manager & Team Leader Coaching
  • Group and Team Coaching



  • Leaders & Executives
  • Managers & Team Leaders
  • Teams & Groups

Training and Accountability


  • Leader as Coach
  • Visioneering
  • Goal Attainment



  • A godly vision won’t come with instructions. 
  • You have too much at risk to not be coached around your vision.

Project Based Learning


  • Charter Schools – Christian Schools – Private Schools
  • PBL and C-PBL
  • 3-5 Day Training Opportunities

Professional Learning Communities


  • Building a PLC Framework
  • The Power of Change from Within
  • New Beginnings

We’ve been there…

Our team has walked in the shoes of leadership for over 3 decades and throughout all of it we’ve experienced what it takes to bring about the great results you’ve always wanted.

It would be disingenuous to tell you that everything we’ve done, or every decision we’ve made throughout our leadership careers, was met with rousing applause or full support. But being a quality leader means making the right decisions and implementing effective strategies even in trying times.

We are a team of leaders of leaders, who want to help you move toward your biggest dreams, greatest accomplishments, and strongest sense of fulfillment.

Working together we will…

  • help you build your talents into strengths,

  • implement your ideas into strategies, and

  • reconstruct your problems into opportunities.

Isn’t it time you got serious about solving your problems, found that elusive work/life balance, and achieved the results you’ve wanted?

“Those who look only to the past or present are certain to miss the future.
John F. Kennedy


Some kind words from respected clients


Some coaches are great, and some are extraordinary. Rich is the latter. If I start a session feeling stuck, I end with a clear direction forward. If I start a session overwhelmed and confused, I end knowing who I am and why I do what I do. The ease and brilliance of his years caring for others translates into an engaging partnership and I know my life has been greatly blessed by working with him.


“Bite the bullet!”

You will look back and say, I wish I’d done this sooner! Rich helped me articulate purpose, vision, and goals in both my personal and professional life. Our family business has grown significantly as a result of working with Rich. He remembers things I’ve forgotten in our time together and keeps them before me. He listens, connects, and creates dynamic space for creativity and synergy to come together!



My greatest challenge was knowing where and how to allot my time. There are many responsibilities as an administrator and I didn’t feel like I was excelling in any of them. It was frustrating to say the least. I felt like I was “spinning my wheels” much of the time. More than anything, I’ve learned how to approach a problem. Dr. Weigel, through insightful coaching, has empowered me to solve my own problems which has been life changing.


Would you like a template for goals that works EVERY TIME?

Goal Setting is simpler – and more complex than you might think.

You Don’t Have To Go It Alone, Let’s Talk!

Discovery Call

Would you like to learn more about what ProEdCoach can do for you or your organization? Schedule a 15–30-minute time for us to talk about what you need. I will always tell you the truth about what I can or can’t do to help you.

Support Call

Schedule a 30-45-minute time for us to follow up on something we’ve reviewed or need to talk through. There are times you need a quick coaching call to prepare for a meeting, want to vent, or you’re in need of some encouragement to keep going.

Coaching Call

Schedule time for our coaching or professional development. This is a 45-60-minute call for digging deep, learning more, coaching through, setting goals, and finding your answers.

Visioneering Call

This is a pre-arranged Visioneering call. It is our work together to build your personal vision or the follow-up from our group visioning efforts.