Latest Past Events

ProEdCoach Team Approach for School Transformation

Zoom Training

This 2 hour (free) presentation is an introduction to the ProEdCoach Team approach for school improvement. If you would like to know more of how our team can help you transform your school, this is just what you're looking for. This is NOT a canned approach of a quick fix effort. This is about true transformation. It's hard work, but it will be worth it. If you're not happy with what's happening in your school today, this is exactly what you need.

Education Ideas for You

The ProEdCoach team of educators and coaches will be providing an online professional development for Christian teachers and administrators, providing BETTER PRACTICES for you and your school. We have 12 presenters who will engage, energize, and enhance your current practices. Sign up now... and gain the best professional development you've ever had. CEU's will be available for those request them.


Leadership Coaching – Overview

Zoom Training

No leader will ever reach their potential without a coach. That may sound like a bold statement, but I stand by it. This short (free) presentation will give you an insight to what leadership coaching can do for you. You won't want to miss this opportunity to learn more about how to use coaching as an important part of your leadership.

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