Leadership Coaching & Consulting
Leaders & ExecutivesConsulting & MentoringTeams & GROUPS
Leadership Coaching & Consulting
According to legend, when the knights of the Round Table returned to King Arthur’s court after the battle, they were carefully examined. If their bodies did not bear any battle scars, they were sent back into battle with an exhortation: ‘Go and get your scars!’
Your success flows in parallel to your desire to be coached.
In today’s culture, leadership coaching has become a necessity for any leader who wants to make progress.
~ R.A. Weigel
Coaching for
If everything in your life and leadership is going well, you don’t need a coach! But great leadership is not managing the status quo but moving things forward.
Great leadership is about making things happen that wouldn’t happen without you.
Leaders must have a vision, and they must make decisions based on that vision. Those decisions will have repercussions that are like scars from hand-to-hand combat.
Coaches don’t tell you what to think. They point you in the right direction to find your own answers. This self-restraint is one of the most difficult challenges of leadership.
~ Thomas G. Bandy
The team at ProEdCoach provides support for you or members of your team with a coaching mindset, deep questions, framing effective actions, and a personal accountability structure. We help you or a member of your team to solve the big issues, grow quickly, and reach the required levels of ability and influence.
Coaching for
Coaching helps leaders beat burnout and change tactics so they can continue to lead effectively. ~ R.A. Weigel
You’ve worked with teams many times in your career. You know there are times when things work well and other times, well…things don’t go so well. But there is a way for your team to come together and work more effectively.
As a leader, you need to know your strengths as a carpenter knows his tools, or as a surgeon knows the instruments at her disposal. Yet, the carpenter doesn’t build a house alone and the physician needs a team to do the surgery. Every person on the team needs to have more than a job description in order to know how to use their natural talents to benefit the entire team.
“I have worked with Rich on a number of projects over the years and he consistently shows strong leadership through innovation and strategic planning. He ensures all team members have a voice at the table and he uses biblical principles as his guide. Rich is passionate about Christian Leadership, Visioning, and working with your Strengths. I highly recommend working with Rich!”
Training for your teams may be done on a yearly, quarterly, or monthly basis in half-day, full-day, or virtual formats.